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How to refill or recharge fire extinguisher?

We were discussing the 5 types of fire extinguishers and their use, How to operate the fire extinguishers and Fire extinguisher inspection maintenance and testing procedures with the help of our previous posts. Let us now see the refilling or recharging process of a fire extinguisher.  

A fire extinguisher is a portable device that is used to control or put out fires. It is typically a small metal cylinder that contains a pressurized agent that can be released to extinguish a fire. 

Before understanding the procedure for refilling or recharging a fire extinguisher, we must know when we should refill the fire extinguisher. 

When Should We Refill Fire Extinguishers? 

Fire extinguishers should be refilled or recharged immediately after any use, even if it was only partially discharged. 

In addition, fire extinguishers should be inspected on a regular basis, typically annually or as recommended by the manufacturer or local fire codes, to ensure they are still in good working condition and have not been damaged or discharged accidentally. 

If any damage or issues are identified during the inspection, the fire extinguisher should be serviced or replaced as necessary. Additionally, fire extinguishers should be refilled or recharged after any period of extended disuse, such as after being stored for a long period of time or after expiration. 

It is important to follow the specific guidelines and instructions provided by the manufacturer for each type of fire extinguisher to ensure that they are properly maintained and functioning effectively.

Refilling or recharging a fire extinguisher 

Refilling or recharging a fire extinguisher should only be done by a trained and certified professional. It is not recommended for individuals without proper training or experience to attempt this task as it can be dangerous and may result in the extinguisher malfunctioning or failing to work when needed. 

Let us see now the general steps a professional would follow to refill or recharge a fire extinguisher 

Inspect the extinguisher:

The technician will inspect the extinguisher to ensure that it is in good working condition and does not have any physical damage or signs of corrosion. 

Discharge the extinguisher:

The technician will discharge the contents of the extinguisher to ensure that it is completely empty and safe to work with. 

Open the extinguisher:

The technician will remove the valve stem from the extinguisher to access the interior. 

Refill the extinguisher:

The technician will refill the extinguisher with the appropriate type and amount of fire extinguishing agent, such as dry chemical, foam, or carbon dioxide. 

Reassemble the extinguisher:

The technician will replace the valve stem and reassemble the extinguisher. 

Test the extinguisher:

The technician will perform a pressure test to ensure that the extinguisher is fully charged and will operate correctly in the event of a fire. 

Re-label and re-tag:

The technician will affix new labels and tags to the extinguisher to indicate that it has been refilled and recharged.  

Document the work:

Document all refilling work in a logbook or other record-keeping system.

It is important to note that the procedure for refilling or recharging a fire extinguisher may vary depending on the type and model of the extinguisher. Therefore, it is best to consult with a trained professional for guidance and assistance.

Next Post - Fire extinguisher manufacturing companies

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